Camera Club Feedback

 Some feedback from one of my talks at Droitwhich Spa can be found below:

“Simply stunning photos many with a twist. Well worth seeing.”


“I thoroughly enjoyed Tal's talk, he was obviously passionate about nature and Tigers in particular also about providing support for people in Tadoba.  I could see he wanted to get across an important message but he did it with a light and entertaining touch.  I thought the quality of his photographs was excellent and all were wonderful to see.  In fact, I enjoyed his talk so much that I contacted him direct and on November 2nd I have arranged to have a photographic workshop with him.”


“I recently had the pleasure of listening to Tal speak at my local camera club. It was a thoroughly entertaining evening with lots of anecdotes and a great deal of useful information. Tal’s knowledge of wildlife photography and in particular the Tigers in India  is awe inspiring and I look forward to listening to him speak again in the future”


“What a great evening and insight into Tal's photography journey. His passion for his photography and his subjects were a credit to him. It was refreshing to listen to Tal and his genuine concern for the magnificent Tigers and their well being and future existence. The images of his Tigers were breathtaking with a real wow factor. Plenty of technical info and a really good excellent presentation of your work , thank you Tal.”


“I was so impressed by Tal that I promptly booked him for Worcestershire Camera Club next season. I did comment to him that I was particularly taken with his original thinking and the effort that he put in to obtain something a little different. A good speaker too.”


“This has to be one of the most inspiring photography presentations I have had the privilege of witnessing. Full of sometimes breathtaking images, demonstrating a real passion, not only for the wildlife, but also his work as a photographer.”


“A very informative, interesting and enjoyable talk”

“Yes I enjoyed the evening as well”

“He talked well with good information and some great images.”

“When I did my talk at Bridgnorth camera club he was due to talk to them as well”

“I told them not to miss him”

“I have recently attended a Tal Chohan talk at Droitwich Camera Club and was really impressed not only by the fantastic images that he displayed, but the overall presentation. Tal demonstrated that you don’t have to venture too far afield to capture wonderful wildlife images as there are plenty of opportunities at home, in the nearby countryside and in local zoo’s. I specifically enjoyed his unique approach to capturing wildlife at angels not normally seen by this genre.”

 “Tal certainly puts a lot of thought into planning his images and this came across in his presentation”

It was lovely to see some “different” wildlife images using a creative/fine art approach – unusual angles or lighting for example.

“His use of space in his photographs added greatly to the atmosphere he wanted to achieve”

“He gave an excellent presentation, very much enjoyed by the club members”


“I found his presentation enlightening in many ways. It demonstrated the lengths that one must go to, and the patience one must have to get that shot in a million.. His sequence of Tiger shots that demonstrated what he called a good tourist shot, A potential competition winner which would pay the bills, to The one in a million shot of a Tiger preparing to defend it’s territory, were fantastic and thought provoking.