Why conserve tigers?


I often ask myself why put so much emphasis on protecting and conserving a single species. The answer is not straightforward, but I will aim to outline the main points below:

Umbrella Species

The tiger sits on top of the food chain, if we protect the tiger, we must protect everything that exists within its shadow. When we conserve the tiger, everything within the forest (as well as the forest) is protected, from microbiota to prey species to other large mammals.

An icon of nature

If we can’t protect the tiger, what can we save?


Tiger forests are often watersheds. The jungles act as sponges creating clean groundwater supplies for the poorest of the poor.


Conservation of iconic species and our natural heritage is actually more about us. By protecting forests, we are giving ourselves clean air and water.



There is still a demand for tiger parts and pelts sadly, so tigers are still being poached today.


Canine distemper virus is a viral infection that affects the nervous system. It is carried by other carnivores that are carriers that may be predated by tigers.

Human animal conflict

As populations expand, the tigers territories get smaller and smaller and inevitably there is conflict.

Habitat loss

A lot of forests are still being uprooted for commercial development, forcing animals closer to human habitation.

Natural disasters

Recent floods at Kaziranga national park highlight how susceptible these animals are to natural disasters.

How we can help?

Support in-field conservation

I personally support wildcats conservation alliance. The main reason is that 100% of donations go directly to in-field conservation. They currently have ongoing projects in 7 tiger countries, and projects include: 


•Camera trapping

•Addressing human animal conflicts

•Joining up local communities, leaders, and governments

•Habitat sustainability


I often sell prints and generate proceeds to tiger conservation.

Raise awareness

Just starting the conversation can indirectly help.

Palm Oil

Reducing use of palm oil can be quite challenging, I utilise an app called giki which scans food and product barcodes to give an indication of palm oil presence.

See the wild tiger

By going to see the tiger, we are giving it a value, we make it worth more alive than dead.