The coast of pembrokeshire is one of the best places in the UK to see dolphins. There are many local tour providers and the weather can be almost tropical. I managed to find a day with little wind and sunshine making our search for cetaceans easier. It was the best day out at sea so far...
Scenes like this could be mistaken for the Bahamas
They would bow ride for 10 minutes at a time.
The area near the smalls lighthouse is a rich marine ecosystem and animals such as minke whales and even orca have been sighted here.
A rare Risso's dolphin surfaces near Grassholm island. The white on the island is a large colony of Gannets.
Our luck really was in this day as a baby Risso's dolphin approached our boat...
...and surfaced within feet. A truly rare experience.
In between the dolphin encounters we came across many other marine wildlife, including this jellyfish.
However, it was the pods of common dolphins, that stole the show.
With their endless breaching and play near the boat.
All in all a perfect day offshore with some beautiful and charismatic animals.