Back to School

One of my most engaging and heart warming experiences in recent years was to be invited back to my primary school to speak last March. One of my earliest memories was leaving school one day, I must have been around 7 years old and saying to myself “when I grow up, I am going to be an Environmentalist”! That dream has come true in more than one way.

During assembly, the classes lined up just like we did all those years ago, and sat in rows just like I did. It was lovely to see that today’s generation were so interested in nature and conservation, and it was lovely to meet one of my old teachers Mrs Foster, who is now head of Welford Primary School. She said I still look the same which I totally doubt!

As a kid, I never expected to have travelled as much as I have, and seen so much. It makes me feel very grateful….

Some images from the day are on the below link:

